Global Soluble Fiber Market: Snapshot Soluble fibers are a crucial component of the dietary fiber or roughage, which is the indigestible portion of food that has been derived from plants. Soluble fiber, as the name suggests, gets dissolved in water and is then fermented in the colon portion. This fermentation process converts the fiber into gases and other by-products which are psychologically active. Soluble fiber can be prebiotic as well as viscous, which often causes a delay in releasing pressure from the digestive system. Thus, the presence of soluble fiber is primarily responsible for humans to feel full for an extended time after having food. Get Brochure of the Report @ Some types of soluble fibers can absorb water, after which they form a highly viscous and gelatinous substance. This viscous material might experience fermentation through bacteria in the digestive tract. The main use of soluble fibers i...